Marko Idžan

“Parish of St. Barbara’s, Vrapce – Zagreb” Web Site

Web site for “Parish of St. Barbara’s, Vrapce” (Croatian: župa sv. Barbare, Vrapče) is created from necessity because old version of web site couldn’t be retrieved back after old web designer and web administrator decided not to extend domain and hosting plan. Because of that new pastor of Church decided to call me to create web site from scratch. I was given only basic details about Church and what is currently going on in it from pastoral activities. My goal was to create simple, modern and clean web site where all members of Parish can find all details about pastoral activities and latest pastoral news. Web site was built using WordPress for easier management of adding content on web site so even if somebody wants to manage web site in future, I can give basic instructions on how-to use WordPress and how to publish on Parish’s Social Media pages.
As of 27. December 2021., Web Site is showing Simple Landing Page which redirects to new Official Web Site from Parish.
As of 30. January 2022., Web Site is removed from official domain, and it is backed up to new server on my personal subdomain.
Parish of St. Barbara’s, Vrapce – Zagreb
November 2019
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